Beer for Breakfast
Directed by Dallan Wilson.
October 4-20, 2024
Fridays & Saturdays @ 7 pm, Sundays @ 2 pm
Tickets – $22 each
Four middle-aged buddies reunite for a “guys’ weekend” complete with old music, cheap beer and enough cholesterol to stop Superman’s heart. These guys are out to prove they’ve still got it, so they are going to party like it’s 1979! It’s all going well until one of them doesn’t show up…but his wife does. Snowed in overnight, an epic struggle ensues: will man be judged the superior sex or will woman prevail? Will love triumph or will the old grudges win? And finally, perhaps most importantly, if Doritos are made of corn, why can’t they be considered a serving of vegetables?
Show Dates: October 4-20, 2024
TJ (male): the Alpha of the group. At times, bigger than life, boisterous, the ring leader. The guys may chide him, but they love and need him. He’s the head of an ad agency and getting pressured from the board of directors to step down. He’s divorced, and has a dim view on relationships. He’s here to recapture that youthful thing he and his buddies had…and to forget his age and the outside world for the weekend.
Jessie (female): strong, smart, quick and a bit sarcastic. A doctor and mother, she’s used to being right and in charge. She dresses well and tries to maintain a clam and superior air. She is the beloved but absent Adrian’s wife. She and TJ were briefly a thing in college but are very different now. Despite her occasional snarkiness, we should like her.
Mark (male): A nice guy who means well and loves his friends even though he borders on a sad sack at times. He is a professional writer who has recently been let go from his newspaper and is surviving (barely) on a smattering of freelance assignments. He is happily married, but nervous about his life. He, like the other men, is here this weekend to forget his troubles and try to have some fun.
Richard (male): A very nice guy who up until recently was a vice president at his company, deacon at church, learned French, took cooking classes and more, until he was hit with a stroke. The right side of his body and face are affected the most. He has trouble with his speech (‘s’ sound comes out at ‘th’ sound instead). He often needs translation from his buddy, Mark. While the translation is a source of comedy, Richard himself isn’t. He’s one of the guys this weekend, and after initial brief trepidation, he will act and be treated as such.
Age range for all is 45-55 years.
Be prepared to cold read from the script for auditions.
Audition Dates:
August 12-13, 2024 6:30-8:30 pm