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And Then There Were None (Dinner Theatre Production)

This is our annual Dinner Theatre Production (Reservations Must Be Made)

June 7-23, 2024

Fridays & Saturdays @ 6 pm, Sundays @ 1 pm

Ten strangers are summoned to a remote island. All that the guests have in common is a wicked past they’re unwilling to reveal and a secret that will seal their fate. For each has been marked for murder. As the weather turns and the group is cut off from the mainland, the bloodbath begins and one by one they are brutally murdered in accordance with the lines of a sinister nursery rhyme.


Show Dates: June 7-23, 2024



ROGERS – He & his wife are hired by Mr. Owen as the caretakers of the Island. They had murdered their last employer, wanting to collect their inheritance. AGE: Middle-age

MRS. ROGERS – Rodgers’ wife. She took part in the murder of their last employer. She’s been wracked by guilt, and hasn’t slept well since. AGE: Middle Age

FRED NARRACOTT – He is a Sticklehaven local. He provides ferry service to and from the Island. AGE: 20’s-40’s

VERA CLAYTHORNE – She used to be the nanny for an upper-class family, but her charge died in a drowning accident while under her care. She was cleared of any involvement at an inquiry, but the killer has other thoughts on the matter. AS people die around her, she begins to lose her mind. AGE: 20’s

PHILLIP LOMBARD – A former Army man, he’s sent to the Island by and intermediary, under the story of acting as an “Assistant” for anything his employer might need. In reality, he’s just been lured there to face punishment for his involvement in a native massacre in Africa. AGE: 30’s

TONY MARSTON – A drunken rich boy, he ran two children over with his car, and was punished by having his license taken away for a year. The killer decides that he hasn’t been punished enough. AGE: 20’s

WILLIAM BLORE – A former police officer turned private detective; he was hired to watch all the other guests on the Island. Of course, that was just a story. Actually, he was lured to the Island because he had framed an innocent man for a serious crime, and the man had died in jail. AGE: Middle-age

GENERAL MACKENZIE – The General is lured to the Island with the promise that some of his old friends are going to be there. When he arrives however, he learns that he’s being called to take responsibility for sending a subordinate off to death during wartime. AGE: Elderly

EMILY BRENT – A crotchety old woman, she goes to the Island for the promise of a free vacation, but finds herself accused of driving her servant girl to death. AGE: Elderly

JUSTICE WARGRAVE – He is a recently retired Judge, lured to the Island by a letter from a flighty acquaintance. He is indignant when faced with the accusations, utterly sure of himself and his actions. AGE: Middle-age

DR. ARMSTRONG – A popular physician to the London upper class, Dr. Armstrong is hired to come to the Island for a medical consultation. He believes that he’s put his past behind him, that no one remembers that woman he killed on the operating table because he was drunk. Of course, that’s the very reason the killer has lured him to the Island. AGE: 40-50

Audition Dates:

April 15-16, 2024 6:30-8:30 pm

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